To enroll in kindergarten, your child must be 5 years old by August 1, 2025
Kindergarten Forms
Individual Forms from Packet
School Resources
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Kindergarten Readiness Resources

Feb. 24 - 28, 2025 | Stop in the elementary office (door W-1) between 7:30 am and 3:15 pm. Your child does not need to be with you. Select 30 min. screening time |
Thursday, April 17, 2025 | Kindergarten Screening Day |
Late July/Early August | Registration for all K-5 students |
August 14, 2025 | First Day of School |

One of the primary duties of the school nurse is to keep a health record of each student. Your cooperation is needed to help keep our records correct and current. On this page, you will find the forms all kindergarten students are to have completed by the first day of school next fall. Below are the instructions for completing the forms.
The State Board of Health Law requires that an immunization record be supplied when all students enter for the first time. This means that all kindergarten student’s immunizations must be up to date and turned into the school by the first day of kindergarten or your child could be excluded from school. Please have the Student Health Record form completed by your family physician.
The school would like to encourage all parents to teach the importance of proper dental care to their children. Proper dental hygiene includes regular dental check-ups. If your child has not been on a regular schedule for dental checks, please start now and have a dental examination set up for this summer. A completed Dental Health Form will indicate to the school next fall that your child has been checked recently.
Vision testing for children entering kindergarten and first grade for the first time must be completed by an eye care specialist. It is not acceptable for the school nurse, under Indiana law, to do the first vision test on these children. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to schedule an appointment for your child with an eye care specialist prior to school starting in the fall. An examination within 6 months prior to the first day will be acceptable.
If you have questions regarding immunizations, the dental exam, or visual testing, please contact the School Nurse at 692-1125. Starting school is an important step in your child’s life. As a parent, help him/her make the best of it by being physically fit and ready to go.
Donna Barger, R.N., B.S.N.
School Nurse