1. Congress did not renew the free meals for all students program for the upcoming school year. Your student will need to have money in their account for breakfast and/or lunch. If you do not want them to eat breakfast at the school, please make sure they understand that they should not stop by the cafeteria for breakfast on the way to class. Meal prices can be found on our website at https://www.accs.k12.in.us/pag...
2. Due to the transition from free to paid lunches, there was a system error. If you put money in your child's account this year and received a low balance email or paper, we are working to correct this notice error. Please check your Mealtime Account for the current balance of your student(s) accounts. If you need your student's code(s) to set up your Mealtime account, please email Michele at bargerm@accs.k12.in.us