Virtual Learning Plan

In July 2022,  HB 1093 was passed, which changed the way school districts conduct eLearning (virtual learning).  This new law states that school districts “may conduct not more than three virtual student instructional days that do not meet the established requirements.” The information provided below explains how ACCS will continue to offer quality virtual learning for our students while meeting the synchronous learning requirements of this new law.

School Cancellation Plan

Teacher Professional Development Days: ACCS teachers will participate in three days of professional learning on August 30, February 14 and April 21.  These days are without instruction for students and will not need to be made up.

Canceled Days 1-3: The first three days school is canceled for the school year are make-up days for students and teachers.  We have not used any make-up days yet this school year.  Potential make-up days for the 24-25 school year are November 27, January 20, and February 17.

Due to cancellations, we will now be in session on
Monday, January 20 (make-up from Jan. 6)
Monday, February 17 (make-up from Jan. 13)

Canceled Days 4-6: The next three days that school is canceled are asynchronous (video) virtual learning.  This is the virtual learning framework that we have used for the past several school years.  During our asynchronous days, teachers post lessons and activities on Schoology for students by 10:00 AM following a 2 hour delay or 11:00am following a 3 hour delay. Teachers will be available through email and Schoology messaging to support students until 3:00 PM.  

Canceled Days 7+: Any additional school cancelations will use the new, required synchronous (live) virtual learning format.  This means that the students' teachers will deliver instruction to students in real-time using student devices and the Internet.  Please note, that elementary will begin at 12:00p.m. and middle/high school begins at 11:00 a.m. (see Virtual Learning Schedule below).  All students and teachers will follow the schedule for live instruction, with students logging into each class via a Google Meet link provided on each Schoology course page.  Parents need to call the elementary or middle/high school office if your child cannot participate in synchronous (live) virtual learning (illness, no internet connection, etc.).  All other absences will be considered unexcused.




MSHS VL ScheduleThank you for your support as we work to provide quality learning experiences for our students while keeping them safe in times of inclement weather. We appreciate your partnership!  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the virtual learning plan, please feel free to reach out to your building principal: 

Mary McCullough
Elementary Principal

Katie Isch
Middle/High School Principal

For additional information, visit the Delays & Cancellations page of our website.
