With a new year approaching, don't forget about immunizations. For a full list, check out Nurse Donna's page! https://bit.ly/acnurse
MSHS Device Case Information
This is the last week for summer meals.
Deadline for ordering masks is Saturday. Sport Form has mask options available with the AC logo. If you are interested in purchasing, please visit https://acfacemask.itemorder.com
Mark Your Calendars! Elementary and 6th grade students will have an opportunity to meet their teachers and drop off school supplies at a Stop and Go event. Click the link for details! https://bit.ly/acstopandgo
ELEM Parents - If you registered online with the Final Forms registration, you do not need to come for in-person registration. For more info about registration visit www.bit.ly/register4ac
If you are coming in today for in-person elementary registration, please enter through the middle/high school entrance and go to the cafeteria. The elementary entrance floors are being waxed. Thank you!
Latchkey forms are available on our registration information page at www.bit.ly/register4ac
Join our team! Share if you know someone who might be interested! http://bit.ly/work4ac
Additional information about registration!
Elementary families please read this newsletter for info. concerning registration, book fees, Return to Learning Plan, and more. https://www.smore.com/w4g3d
Adams Central parent, the 2020-2021 registration paperwork is going online starting SATURDAY! For instructions on how to register online, visit https://bit.ly/acregistration20
Girls Golf Callout meeting with Coach Jones in M1 at 6 PM tonight! Don't miss a great opportunity to have fun learning a great game!
Summer Meals Available Friday
The Indiana Department of Education has released some guidance to help parents get students used to wearing a mask, as well as, how to care for masks. https://bit.ly/doemasks
If you had trouble completing the transportation survey, it has been corrected. https://bit.ly/actransport20
Parents of current/incoming/new AC students: Please fill out this transportation survey to let us know whether or not your student(s) will be riding the bus. This will help us plan for the fall. https://bit.ly/actransport20
Lots of need-to-know information is available in the August MSHS Newsletter. Find out about registration, the MS supply list, daily schedule changes and more! https://bit.ly/acmshsnews1
Mrs. Minger's PreK has openings! Call 692-6193 if you know a preschool aged child looking for a class.