We're back and better together! Everyone is having a wonderful day. Check out this quick video clip. https://bit.ly/ACwelcomeback
New Jet Spotlight: Mrs. Kristin Latman is joining the ELEM staff as a 5th grade teacher.
For tonight's Tennis Scrimmage with Canterbury, per IHSAA and INCLASS guidelines, no spectators are permitted to be in attendance. Please help us respect these guidelines.
PBIS is AC elementary's unified behavior system. You may learn more about PBIS and how it is implemented at AC https://bit.ly/ACPBISparent
New Jet Spotlight: Mr. Mitch Hill is joining the Adams Central MSHS staff as a business teacher.
The MS is excited to welcome students back on Friday!
Please see the following link for MS Cheerleading information:
Tonight's 7pm board meeting will be streamed via the Berne Witness Webcast.https://bernewitness.com/webcast/
New Jet Spotlight: Ms. Tayia Meadows is joining the ELEM staff as a 3rd grade teacher.
If you purchased an Adams Central mask through Sport Form, they are available for pick up today from 5pm to 7pm and Wednesday from 2pm to 6pm in the Central Office Entrance (door S-3)
Returning Jet Spotlight: Mrs. Lana Shoaf has joined the MSHS staff as a HS English teacher.
Retiree Spotlight: Mrs. Flesch is retiring after 41.5 years in education with 36.5 years being at Adams Central. After retirement, Mrs. Flesch plans to continue creating art, inspiring the creativity in others, and spend time being a first time grandma!
Reminder! Elementary and 6th grade students will have an opportunity to meet their teachers and drop off school supplies at a Stop and Go event. Click the link for details! https://bit.ly/acstopandgo
Good afternoon. In preparation for our August 14 return to school, please review the elementary transportation guidance found within this newsletter. https://www.smore.com/8taqm Direct all questions to the elementary office.
The corrected athletic announcement link is www.bit.ly/fallfans2020
The Indiana Department of Education has released some guidance to help parents get students used to wearing a mask, as well as, how to care for masks. https://bit.ly/doemasks
Jets Families, please click the following link for an update on attendance at fall sporting events:
Reminder: MSHS Registration is Tuesday from 2-6pm
The deadline to sign up for the online learning option is Aug. 4. For information about this option, visit https://bit.ly/accovidonlinelearning